Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Temple of city

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kumbakonam temples

Kumbakonam Temples

Kumbakonam Temples are the set if 188 temples within the adminstrative limits of Kumbakonam. These were built between the 7th and 16th centuries by the various dynasties that ruled over it during this period. Since these temples were known more for their religious (and historical) significance than architectural, we decided to visit only the 3 most important ones … and that too only if we found time. Our main reasons for staying overnight inKumbakonam were to break the long journey from Puducherry to Trichy and to visit the temple at Darasuram, which is just about 4kms from town.
The 12th century Airavatesvara temple at Darasuram is one of three temples classified as the Great Living Chola Temples in the UNESCO World Heritage list. The other two under this classification are the Brihadeesvara temples ofkumbakonam templesGangaikondacholapuram and Thanjavur. From Kumbakonam we woke up early and took an auto to Darasuram, getting to the temple just around 7:30 AM. There was hardly anybody around at that time except for some elderly men who sat outside the temple entrance catching up on their daily gossip. In the morning light, the beautifully maintained temple complex looked quite serene. Its entrance is much grander than the traditional Gopurams of most South Indian temples. Here, it is at a lower level than that of the street with stone steps leading down to it. The 2-tiered Gopuram sits atop a beautifully pillared mandapa and is fronted by two smaller shrines. The one facing the temple complex houses a Nandi while the other houses the image of a Ganesha. Stone steps that lead up to the Ganesha shrine are said to have the ability to produce distinct musical notes when struck. Sadly, to prevent vandalism, these steps are now protected by an ugly metal fence.
We hired a guide, Mr. Durai, to show us around the complex and his narration helped us understand and appreciate the temple complex immensely! He showed us all the important features and highlights of the place without going into too many details on history or mythology – this was exactly what we wanted!
The front, pillared mandapa of the temple is built as a chariot that is pulled by horses. The image of a horse in front of a large stone wheel near the steps leading up to the temple was my favorite sculpture amongst all! But kumbakonam templesthere were many other fabulous carvings as well. The mandapa housed 81 pillars with intricate sculptures of deities and dancers. Some of them had the image of Yali, a mythical creature which is said to have the trunk of an elephant, the face of a lion, the body of a bull, the ears of a pig and horns of a ram – this became another of our favorites. The pillars in the inner sanctum were devoid of any sculptures and that Mr. Durai explained was to ensure that devotees are not distracted when they stand before the Lord. The inner sanctum houses an image of Lord Shiva as Airavatesvar because it is said that Airavata, the white elephant of Lord Indra worshipped Lord Shiva here.
Some of the broken sculptures dug up by the ASI have been placed in a corner of the gallery that surrounds the temple complex. Metal grills guard this treasure trove. It was locked at first but Mr. Durai managed to have it opened for us and let us scrutinize the sculptures from up-close.
About 50m from this temple complex stands another temple dedicated to Periya Amman, Lord Airavatesvara’s consort. This one is much simpler inkumbakonam templesterms of architecture but is just as awe-inspiring. Mr. Durai mentioned that the temple is ‘nothing great’ so our expectations were low when we entered its courtyard. Nonetheless, we were immediately impressed by the carved pillars that formed the front mandapa of the gorgeous temple. Here the carvings were definitely not as elaborate as the ones in Airavatesvara but they were simple and beautiful. There was nobody here except us so we walked around leisurely and tried to remember the explanation that Mr. Durai gave us for certain sculptures that were repeated here.
We were done with the Darasuram temples by around 10 AM. We had the entire day ahead of us to see Kumbakonam’s 3 short-listed temples. But instead of heading back there directly we decided to spend some time shopping for the brass and bronze idols that Kumbakonam is famous for. We visited the nearby village of Swamimalai which specializes in bronze works. The govt. run Poompuhar showroom there didn’t have anything spectacular so we left disappointed. However a small workshop-plus-store run by a family across the street had some fabulous bronze idols. They were expensive but of exquisite quality. We didn’t buy anything as we thought we may find better deals elsewhere. Unfortunately, we didn’t! Finally, in Kumbakonam we browsed through quite a few brass stores until we found one that sold genuinely old, family-held, brass stuff, as well as newly manufactured ones of decent kumbakonam templequality. From here we bought quite a few items, both small and big and paid, what we think, was a fairly reasonable price. However, when we walked out of the store we found that somebody had made away with my pretty pink Bata slippers (most stores in Kumbakonam request customers to leave their shoes outside the store before entering); not a very nice ending to our shopping spree!
In the evening we set out to see Kumbakonam’s temples. We hired an auto to take us to all 3 of them and to the Mahamaham tank as well. Of the temples, the 12th century creation of the Cholas, the Sarangapani temple was the best with lovely pillars and ancient sculptures. The Kumbeswarartemple had a 9-storey high Gopuram and a lively market within one of its corridors, which was quite unique. TheNageswarar temple was simple with a large courtyard before the main shrine. These temples, though important to the devout, didn’t excite us a whole lot! We ended the tour of Kumbakonam’s sacred sites by a visit to the Mahamaham tank where a Kumbha mela of sorts is held every 12 yrs. It is a large mass of water surrounded by ghats interspersed with shrines. It was nice to sit there for a while after sunset away from the chaos of the town.


Pichavaram Mangrove Forests

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pichavaram mangrove forests

Pichavaram Mangrove Forests

The Pichavaram Mangrove Forests, covering an area of almost 2800 acres, are among the healthiest in the world. It is also home to about about 177 species of birds.
pichavaram mangrove forests
Mangroves are trees and shrubs that grow in saline coastal areas mainly between 25° N and 25° S latitudes.
pichavaram mangroves
pichavaram mangrove forests
The Pichavaram Mangrove forests offer backwater rides which offers an unique experience.
pichavaram mangroves
These mangroves are home to water snakes, water dogs, foxes, turtles, crustaceans, and waterfowl. So far 170 species of birds have been identified in these forests.
pichavaram mangroves
Water Dog – squint your eye to see it
These forests are among the healthiest mangrove occurrences in the world. It is a series of small islands covered with green trees.
pichavaram mangroves
Fishing for crustaceans
The Pichavaram mangrove forests consists of rare species like Avicennia and Rhizophara, supporting the existence of rare varieties of shell fishes. Avicennia are among the most salt tolerant mangroves and are often the first to colonise fresh deposits of sediment. Its sap is salty and it expels the excess salt through its leaves.
Tamil Nadu Tourism Development have proposed to host an Eco Tourism festival (Dawn Fest) at Pichavaram.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Gangaikondacholapuram Temple

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gangaikondacholapuram temple

Gangaikondacholapuram, a Great Living Chola Temple

The city of Gangaikondacholapuram (GKC) was founded in the 10th Century AD by Rajendra Chola to commemorate his victory over the Ganga empire. The name literally means ‘The town of the Cholas who defeated the Gangas’.
GKC is home to the magnificent Gangaikondacholisvaram temple which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Great Living Chola Temples.
The Great Living Chola Temples include
a) The Brihadisvara Temple at Thanjavur
b) The Gangaikondacholisvaram temple at Gangaikonda Cholapuram
c) The Airavatesvara temple at Darasuram
gangaikondacholapuram temple
View of the Vamana and Nandi from the Mahadwar
Chola rulers were avid patrons of fine arts. In fact, the beautiful Nataraja figure was first conceived during the Chola dynasty.
gangaikondacholapuram temple
The Vimana is flanked by smaller temples on either side.
gangaikondacholapuram temple
Devi Temple
gangaikondacholapuram temple
Chandikesvara Shrine
gangaikondacholapuram temple
Simhakeni well in the background
gangaikondacholapuram temple
Shrine to the south
Great Living Chola Temples
The North Gateway into the temple
The temple exteriors have a series of intricately sculptured panels.
gangaikondacholapuram temple
Paneled exterior of the Shiva Temple
Great Living Chola Temples
Gnana Saraswathi
Great Living Chola Temples
Chandesha Anugraha
Great Living Chola Temples
The 182 feet tall Vimana

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Darasuram Airavatesvara Temple

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darasuram airavatesvara temple

Airavatesvara Temple : Darasuram’s Great Living Chola Temple

Airatesvara temple, located in Darasuram near Kumbakonam, was built by Rajaraja Chola II in the 12th Century AD.
darasuram airavatesvara temple
Airatesvara temple
This temple along with the Brihadisvara Temple at Thanjavur and the Gangaikondacholisvaram Temple at Gangaikonda Cholapuram are collectively known as theGreat Living Chola Temples, which have been recoginized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
darasuram airavatesvara temple
The musical steps
The steps, in the fenced enclosure, produce musical notes when tapped.
darasuram airavatesvara temple
Airavatesvara Temple
This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Airavata, Lord Indra’s elephant with four tusks and seven trunks, was cursed by Sage Durvasa for disrespecting him. As a result the spotless white elephant ended up with skin discoloration, which was cured only after Airavata took a dip in the sacred waters of this temple. The temple and the presiding deity derive its name from this incident.
darasuram airavatesvara temple
Airatesvara temple
Yalis are mythical creatures often sculpted on the pillars of Hindu temples, particularly in South India. Yalis have the trunk of an elephant, body of a bull, head of a lion, horns of a ram, and the ears of a pig.
darasuram airavatesvara temple
Yali Pillar
airavatesvara temple
Guarding the temple entrance
darasuram temple
Inside the temple
darasuram temple
airavatesvara temple
Inside the Prakara
Although this temple is much smaller than the other two temples belonging to the group ofGreat Living Chola Temples , its sculptures are a lot more intricate.
airavatesvara temple
Intricately sculptured exterior
Is it a Bull or an Elephant?
airavatesvara temple